House. Non-contributing, ca. 1970. One-story plus basement modern house with front gable roof, brick veneer walls, and vinyl siding in gable ends. Entry stoop, modern windows and door. Corner lot, with stone retaining wall which appears to pre-date the house. Replaces an older house on the same lot
James Grey, Jr. House House. Contributing, ca. 1925. Two-and-one-half story Colonial Revival house with a side gable roof and front gable dormers. Carport and outdoor dining area added to rear. Brick veneer walls. Entry stoop with Classical details including a segmental arch supported by columns and
Abram Kantrowitz House House. Contributing, 1917. One and one-half-story Craftsman bungalow with a cross-gable roof and knee braces. Brick veneer walls and stucco in gable ends. Engaged front porch with stone piers, solid stone balustrade, and "bow tie" arch. Exterior end chimney. One-over-one
Junius Anders House House. Contributing, ca. 1900. One and one-half story Queen Anne house with a side gable roof, projecting front gable bay at northwest corner, and a shed roof dormer. Weatherboard siding with decorative shingles in front gable end. Formerly had a wraparound porch which rotted and
Lila J. Wooley House Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story bungalow with a cross gable roof with stepped knee braces. Brick veneer walls. Rear porch enclosed after 1954, and deck added. Attached porch with bungaloid details and solid brick balustrade. Interior end stuccoed chimney. One-over-one and
Lars G. Harleman House House. Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story bungalow with a front gable roof and side gable wing at east. Asbestos siding. Attached front porch with triple square posts on brick piers. Brick interior and exterior end chimneys. Eight-over-one windows and a bay window at southeast
William Jordan House House. Contributing, ca. 1920. One and one-half story bungalow with side gable roof and shed roof dormer. Vinyl siding. Engaged front porch with square posts on piers covered by vinyl siding. Rear porch enclosed. Exterior stairs at rear to added apartment. Chimney covered with
Ernest Dodge House Non-contributing, ca. 1954. One and one-half story Minimal Traditional house with a side gable roof and shed roof dormer. Attached garage at west side. Aluminum siding. Large interior brick chimney; multi-light casement windows; solid door with strap hinges appears original