James Grey, Jr. House
House. Contributing, ca. 1925.
Two-and-one-half story Colonial Revival house with a side gable roof and front gable dormers. Carport and outdoor dining area added to rear. Brick veneer walls. Entry stoop with Classical details including a segmental arch supported by columns and entablature. Multi-panel door has fanlight and sidelights. Six-over-six windows. Notable stone retaining wall borders property at street level, extending to the east on Fourth Avenue. Designed by Erle Stillwell for James P. Grey, Jr., with Grey Hosiery Mills. He and wife Lena lived here until at least 1951.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, Stillwell drawing collection)
Garage. Contributing, ca. 1925.
Notable one-story brick veneer garage with front gable roof, multi-light over panel doors.