House. Non-contributing, 1958. One-story Ranch style house with brick veneer walls. Hip roof with wide eaves. Recessed, engaged porch on south side with original iron balustrade. Central brick chimney. Windows are six-over-six, with a multi-light picture window at front. Modern door. (Sanborn maps
House. Non-contributing, ca. 1955. One-story Ranch style house with a hip roof and brick veneer walls. Recessed entry stoop. Central brick chimney. Modern awning windows and doors. Carport at southwest corner. This house replaces an older house on this lot which faced Third Avenue West. (Sanborn
Orr Rickman House House. Contributing, ca. 1910. One-story side-gable cottage with an L-shape floor plan. Frame construction and asbestos siding. Projecting front gable roof over front entry stoop. Replacement posts and balustrade on front stoop. Chimney lowered and capped. Some windows and front
Julius M. Stewart House Contributing, ca. 1930. One and one-half-story bungalow with a side gable roof and shed roof at southwest corner. Stepped brackets, exposed rafter ends. Brick veneer walls with stucco in the half-story. Six-over-one and multi-light casement windows; multi-light front door
Mark Bowen House Contributing, ca. 1925. One-story bungalow with a front gable roof and knee braces. German siding. Wraparound porch with cross gable roof, battered posts on painted brick piers, 2x2 balustrade. Exterior end chimney at porch on north side. Three-vertical-over-one windows; six-light
William H. Cale House House. Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story plus basement bungalow with a cross gable roof. German siding and bungaloid porch. Porch originally was a wraparound, now replaced on the south side with a flat-roof carport extension. Exterior end chimney, on south side. Multi-light
Carl Goforth House House. Contributing, ca. 1925. One-story plus basement bungalow with a front gable roof and shingle siding. Recessed entry porch on southwest corner, with solid shingled balustrade. Rear addition with asbestos siding. Central brick chimney. One-over-one windows. Lot drops to rear
Frank Y. Haymond House Contributing, ca. 1920. One and one-half-story Dutch Colonial Revival house with a gambrel roof and shed roof dormers. Pressed tin roof shingles. Addition at rear with a new brick chimney and deck. Narrow width German siding. Attached front porch with square posts with beveled