Harry L. Raynes House Contributing, ca. 1920. One-and-one-half-story bungalow with a hip roof and exposed rafter ends. Front gable dormer with knee braces at front. Original weatherboard siding. Engaged front porch with double and triple posts on brick piers, flared tops of posts. Solid brick
Asad H. Makla House Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story bungalow with a cross gable roof, brick veneer walls, and aluminum siding recently applied to soffits and gable ends. Attached front porch with replacement iron posts and balustrade, front gable roof. Central and exterior end brick chimneys; six
Elmson House House. Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story bungalow with a side gable roof, vinyl siding. Attached front porch with possible replacement posts, front gable roof, solid balustrade with vinyl siding. One-over-one windows. Small level lot. Mrs. Corinne F. Elmson, widow of Percy G. Elmson
Zebulon Byers House Contributing, ca. 1920. Two-story hip roof cottage with front gable projections. Vinyl siding. Wraparound porch with tapered columns and a solid wood balustrade. Central chimney; one-over-one windows; single-light-over-panel front door. Stone piers. Notable granite block
Lula J. Loflin House House. Non-contributing, ca. 1920. Two-story rectangular double-pile house with substantial alterations. The wraparound porch which showed on the Sanborn maps is gone. Lower half of building is shingles and upper half is asbestos siding. Hip roof, interior brick chimney
Jason Dorn House House. Contributing, ca. 1920. One and one-half story bungalow with a side gable roof and front gable dormer with stepped knee braces. Original weatherboard siding. Engaged front porch with tapered posts on solid balustrade of weatherboard siding. Exterior end chimney; nine-over-one
Tilden J. Hill House House. Contributing, ca. 1925. One-story bungalow with a front gable roof and curved knee braces. German siding, wraparound porch with curved braces, battered posts on stone piers, beaded mortar joints on solid stone balustrade. Stone interior end chimney. Eight-over-one windows
Everett Shipman House Contributing, ca. 1920. One-story-plus-basement bungalow with a clipped gable roof, shingle siding, and a small one-story addition at rear. Engaged, recessed entry porch with new iron rail. Interior brick chimney; some replacement windows; single-light-over-panel front door