Harvey F. Drake House
House. Contributing, by 1926.
Vernacular cottage style one-story house with a rear wing. Cross gable roof with a front gable roof projecting center bay. Walls are replacement aluminum siding. Covered entry stoop pedimented roof is supported by brackets. Windows are one-over-one, probably replacements. Front door is multi-light-over-panel. House is set on a small hill above street, on a corner lot. Concrete steps surrounded by a low stone retaining wall with beaded mortar joints are located at the southern corner of the lot, at Maiden Lane. Harvey F. Drake, a salesman at Minico Cleaners and Laundry and wife Virginia lived here from 1937 t o 1942. Henry F. Harrill, a traveling salesman, and wife Elsie lived here from 1943 to 1944. Albert G. And Mary R. Zang lived here from 1945 to 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Non-contributing, by 1926 and after 1954.
One-story outbuilding was originally a small one-story side gable roof structure. A modern garage with a front gable roof appears to have been added to the front. Structure also covered with aluminum siding.