Clayton J. Vandiver House
Contributing, by 1926.
Bungalow style one-story house with a front gable roof, aluminum siding on walls, and an attached porch at the northeast corner. Porch details include battered posts on brick piers and a simple balustrade. Windows are one-over-one, and the front door is a large glass pane over panel. It faces east. House sits on a corner lot, facing Highland Avenue. Granite retaining wall and original steps to front door. Clayton J. Vandiver, a line operator with the Hendersonville Times-News, and wife Nell lived here from 1937 to 1946. Everett C. Orr, police chief, lived here with wife Estelle form 1948 to 1949. Current owner dates the house to 1912, which would pre-date the Mount Royal subdivision. The style of the house, facing Highland Avenue as it does, could be an earlier one than the rest of the homes in Mount Royal. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, owner)