Lucy T. Read House
House. Contributing, by 1926.
Vernacular cottage style one-story house with a wing to the west side. Tin roof covering. Front gable roof with a projecting bay at the northeast. Walls are stucco. Windows are one-over-one, possible replacements. House sits high on a hill. The stone retaining wall ran here, too, although most of it is gone. Concrete steps up the hill. Mrs. Lucy T. Read may have been the original owner of this house. He lived here from 1926 to 1944. James Fain and wife Tammie lived here from 1945 to 1946. John T. Wilkins, Jr., a salesman with Cantrell Produce Company, lived here with wife Milicent from 1948 to 1949. Lot is very overgrown. Good to fair condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Non-contributing, by 1926.
Altered one-story outbuilding, with concrete block basement housing two cars, and an apartment above. Roof is flat.