John O. Covin House
House. Contributing, ca. 1920.
One-story bungalow with a cross gable roof, knee braces, and German siding. Attached full-width front porch has battered posts on stone piers. Small side addition. Exterior end stone chimney with beaded mortar. Notable stone wall at sidewalk and stair cheekwalls. Windows are four-over-one and sixteen-over-one. Unusual angled trim, battered like porch posts. Multi-light door. House was originally lot 4 of the S. Maxwell Subdivision (1919) that was bought by E. J. Anders from Maxwell (1919; Book 109, 231). The house was vacant through the latter part of the 1930s. John O. and Ellen C. Covin lived here from 1941 to 1942. Covin was a manager at Dixie stores. Lawrence H. and Louise Bright lived here from 1943 to 1944. He was a flight instructor at Meyer Flying School. John and Jimmie P. Farmer lived here from 1948 to at least 1951.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, plats, deeds)
Garage. Contributing, ca. 1950.
One-story front gable roof garage.