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842 Dale Street

House. Contributing, ca. 1908.
Two-and-one-half-story Four Square house, similar in appearance to 846 Dale Street (#36). Clipped gable roof with wide eaves and shed roof dormer at front. Brick on the first floor, weatherboard on the second. Attached shed-roofed front porch with paired tapered columns on stuccoed brick piers. Windows are one-over-one, some with flat arches and keystones. Some diamond pane windows in attic. Front door is single-light-over-panel with a transom. Stone foundation, level lot.

This house appears on the original plat for the neighborhood, Columbia Park, dated June 1908, but deed records indicate it may have been built later, ca. 1919 by Emma B. Wingo of Greenville, SC, who purchased the lot from the Hendersonville Development Company. The deed is unclear as to the existence of a house in 1919. Emma Wingo, widow of Jonathan O. Wingo, rented furnished rooms here in the 1920s. Dena E. Francisco was also living in the house in 1926. He was the proprietor of Hendersonville Coal & Wood Company, located at the railroad. Emma Wingo sold the house to Mary L. Fancisco, widow of Dena E. Francisco, in 1934. She continued to live there until at least 1953.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, Henderson County Deed Books 103, p. 145 and 210, p. 165)

Historic District
Lenox Park