Richard C. Clarke House
Contributing, ca. 1920.
Two-story Colonial Revival house with a hip roof, wide eaves, exposed rafter ends, an eyebrow dormer at front, and shed roof dormers on sides and rear. Projecting wing to front, at northwest corner, rear porch at southwest corner enclosed. Brick veneer walls. Three brick chimneys, one exterior end, one interior, and one interior end. Attached front porch with brick posts, wide eaves, brick balustrade with concrete caps, dentil blocks under the "bow tie" arch. Currently in use as offices. One-over-one windows, bay window on west, casement windows on enclosed rear porch. Multi-light double leaf front door with transom. Large lot, with parking at rear. Richard C. Clarke was a developer who developed land with J. T. Wilkins and W. A. Smith at King and Caswell Streets, according to a plat dated April 28,1926 (Plat book B, page 398). Clarke apparently built this house, but may have lived here only a short time. According to city directories, he moved to Druid Hills by 1926. He was president of Bank & Trust Company, president of Hunter's Pharmacy, and president of Hendersonville Abstract & Title Company. Mrs. Henrietta Hunt, widow of Dr. Charles W. Hunt, lived here from 1937 to 1944. Adolph Ficker lived here from 1945 to at least 1951.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, plats)