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504 Fourth Avenue West

 504 Fourth Avenue West

Sidney W. Holdford House

Contributing, ca. 1920.
One and one-half story bungalow with a front gable roof and shed roof dormers on east and west. Brick veneer with shingles in gable ends. Attached front porch with double and triple posts on cut stone piers, solid shingles balustrade, and "bow tie" arch. Cut stone foundation with beaded mortar joints; twelve-over-one windows; and multi-light modern door. Landscaped corner lot. Sidney W. and Maude K. Holdford, with Shorty's Pig and Whistle, lived here from 1937 to 1938; Sidney C. Rome, manager at Lewis Department Store, and wife Pauline lived here from 1939 to 1940; Claude A. and Sue Thomas were here from 1941 to 1942; Mrs. Kate Porter, widow of James B. Porter, lived here from 1943 to at least 1951.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Historic District
West Side