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407 7th Avenue

407 7th Avenue

Ca. 1905. 
Simple, moderately altered, two-story brick commercial structure with a corbelled cornice and a slightly recessed front facade. There are two rows of double hung windows; the bottom row has one-over-one lights and the upper row has been boarded over. Above the non-original display windows there is a metal awning. Between the display windows there is a central entrance.

407 Seventh Avenue is the oldest structure on the northwest side, 400 block of Seventh Avenue East. This commercial block near the depot developed during the early 20th century as a response to the heavy railroad traffic. 407 is probably the oldest surviving brick structure in the depot section. Sanborn Insurance Maps indicate that the structure was built before 1908. That year it served as a grocery store, and in 1912 as a restaurant. It has a large number of windows on the front façade, listed as photo lighting on the insurance maps. The store served as the Depot Bargain House for several decades, but now appears to be unused.

Historic District
7th Avenue Depot