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403-405 7th Avenue

403-405 7th Avenue

Ca. 1912. 
Two-story brick commercial structure. There is modest decorative brickwork at the cornice; the cornice is slightly corbelled, beneath which a pattern is created through bricks set at an angle. Beneath the cornice treatment is a recessed panel. At the second story level, double windows, three-over-one lights, are set below relieving arches. The first floor facade consists of an early 20th century storefront with display windows and a recessed central entrance. There is also a doorway set to the right side of the front façade that leads to the second story. The left elevation has a stepped roofline with numerous brick flues. The original pressed metal ceiling on the first floor interior is still intact. One of the most attractive and most intact of the commercial structures in the depot section of Hendersonville. It is possible that portions of this building could have served as a hotel.

405 7th Avenue - (razed August 7, 2008) 1906, R.P. Freeman paid $500 to H.D. Hyder for one-half interest in the lot and a "two story brick wall." Two years later the building was erected, and, according to Dr. George Jones of the Henderson County Historical Society, the Freeman family ran a grocery store on the 1st floor and raised their family on the second. The Freeman's sold the building to A.J. Overton and Depot Salvage, Inc., who owned the building until 2004. The building was sold one last time in 2007, and, sadly, comes to the end of its time after anchoring the corner of Locust and Seventh for a century.  Jim Kastetter Historic 7th Avenue

 403-405 7th Avenue

Historic District
7th Avenue Depot