Morris E. Hann House
Contributing, ca. 1920.
One-story-plus-basement bungalow with a side gable roof and stepped knee braces. German siding. Attached front porch with front gable roof, round columns on brick piers, and 2x2 balustrade. Brick exterior end chimney. Windows are multi-light-over-one, and door is multi-light-over-panel. Screened porch added on south side ca. 1955 to 1960. Small lot drops to rear. Morris E. and Isabel Hann lived here from 1939 to 1940. Hann was a district salesman for Shell Eastern Petroleum. Johnson W. and Callie W. Miller lived here from 1941 to 1942. Miller was a foreman at Grey Hosiery Mill. William D. Olson lived here from 1943 to 1944, and Meyer and Shirley Levinson lived here from 1945 to at least 1951.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, owner)