House. Contributing, ca. 1930.
One-story bungalow with front gable roof, German siding, attached front porch. Turned posts on porch are modern replacements; no balustrade. Central brick chimney, rusticated block foundation, one-over-one windows (probably replacement sash), modern multi-light front door. Wing added to south side after 1954, recessed to rear. This house does not appear in city directories until 1950, but it appears to be older. Sanborns date it from between 1926 and 1954. Charles A. Burnette and wife Inez lived here from 1950 to at least 1953.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Non-contributing, ca. 1980s.
One-story front gable modern garage with rusticated siding.
Historic District
Lenox Park