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308 Rose Street

308 Rose Street

House. Contributing, ca. 1908.
Two-story gable-front house with patterned shingles in the gable end. Pebbledash wall finish, portion of original wraparound porch has been enclosed. Porch details include round posts on brick piers. Interior stuccoed chimney, brick foundation, three-aver-three windows with transom onto porch and some one-over-one windows on other elevations. This house appears on the original plat for the neighborhood, Columbia Park, dated June 1908, but deed records indicate the lot was purchased by G. F. Chaple from the Hendersonville Development Company in 1920.

Pinckney P. Pressley, a boxmaker at Wing Paper Box Company, and wife Catherine lived here from 1926 to 1938. The house was vacant a short time, and then apparently rented to different occupants annually after that. Joel J. Maxwell, employed at Wing Paper Box Company, and wife Jennie along with Thomas E. Harkins, a woodworker, and wife Lucille lived here from1941 to 1942. From 1943 to 1944 Loy E. Garren, a bookkeeper, and wife Mary lived here with Hicks Hawkins, a clerk at City Ice & Storage, and wife Myrtle. From 1945 to 1946 O. Herbert Massey, retired U. S. Army, and wife Grace lived here with E. Clifford Owenby, a driver with the City bus Company, and wife Mable. From 1947 to 1949 Mrs. Nellie F. Camp, widow of Thad D. Camp, and Lynn A. Messer, a brakeman with Southern Railway, and wife Iva Lee lived here. The house was again vacant, but by 1952 John C. and Willis P. Cochran lived here with William Hall, a driver.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, plats, Henderson County Deed Book 103, p. 359)

Historic District
Lenox Park