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305 Valley Street

Luke A. Wingert House

House. Contributing, 1935.
One-story side gable cottage with an L-shape floor plan. Small shed roof addition at rear, front gable on projecting bay at northeast corner. Aluminum siding. Shed roof entry porch added. Interior brick chimney with arched top. Windows are twelve-over-one and door is multi-light-over-panel. Luke A. and Evelyn Wingert lived in the house from 1937 to 1938. They may have been the original owners. Apparently the house was rented to tourists from 1941 to 1942. Clarence G. and Ruby W. Johnson lived in the house from 1943 to 1944; Johnson was a paper maker. Beginning in 1945, Miss Alma Edinger lived in the house. A portion of this lot was originally part of the Eliza Barranger subdivision from September 28, 1925 (Plat Book B, page 127).    
(Sanborn maps, city directories, owner, plats)

Cottage. Non-contributing, 1970s.
One-story shed roof cottage with shed roof carport to south side.

Historic District
West Side