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303 Rose Street

303 Rose Street

House. Contributing, ca. 1925. Additions after 1954.
One-story bungalow with a front gable roof and attached front porch also with a front gable roof. Porch has square posts and original balustrade. House covered with vinyl siding, with original shingles in porch gable end. Additions are recessed from the front, and are located to the north and south of the original structure. Brick foundation, replacement window sash, small level lot.

One of the first occupants of this house was Ernest Roper and wife Elizabeth. Mrs. Beulah Morgan, longtime neighborhood resident, remembers that Mr. Roper worked for a cleaning company and later owned Superior Cleaning Company. He would come home at lunch every day and play the piano while Mrs. Morgan listened from her porch across the street. He also played for street dances held in downtown Hendersonville. The Ropers may have been the original owners of the house, but were no longer living there after 1938.  Benjamin Levi lived there from 1939 to 1940; Jack W. and Georgene D. Lyday lived there from 1941 to 1944 . Mrs. Sue M. Farr, widow of Thomas Farr, lived there from 1945 to 1949. From 1950 to 1951 John B. Arrington, a laborer, and wife Ora lived in the house; Branch and Elsie Jackson lived there beginning in 1952. (Sanborn maps, city directories)

Historic District
Lenox Park