G. Florence Boyle House
Contributing, by 1926.
Two-story Tudor Revival with a side gable roof and sweeping front gable projecting wings to the front. Windows are either double or triple six-over-six, and the front door is a single light over panel. The front door is set within an arched opening. Attached one-story former garage on the east side has been converted to a room with exterior French doors. Shed roof one-story wing on the west. Wooded lot, with a terraced front lawn. Central concrete stairs and walkway; lower stairs are brick. Mrs. G. Florence Boyle lived here from 1940 to 1941. James D. Sloan, a manager at Duke Power Company, and his wife Lilli M. lived here from 1942 to at least 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Historic District
Druid Hills