Thomas Shepherd House
Contributing, by 1926.
Colonial Revival style two-story house with a center hall plan. Basement to the rear where lot drops steeply away from the street elevation. Walls are covered with the original German siding. A one-story wing at the southeast corner, and a two-story wing at the northeast corner. Side gable roof supported by knee braces. Screened porch on the north side added after 1954. Entry portico has a front gable roof supported by square posts and knee braces. Brick retaining wall along the north side of the driveway. Coal chute is still visible by the chimney on the south elevation. Windows are nine-over-one, and the paneled front door has a fanlight and sidelights. Thomas Shepherd was probably the original owner of the house, since he was listed on the street as early as 1926. From 1941 until at least 1949, Mrs. Florence Shepherd, widow of Thomas, lived in the house. Thomas Shepherd was the owner of Shepherd Funeral Home. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)