Edgar E. Lance House
Contributing, by 1926.
One-story bungalow that is two stories at the rear. Hip roof with a clipped gable roof over front porch. Wing on south side. Screened porch above basement on south side. Walls are brick veneer. Front porch has battered posts on brick piers and a solid brick balustrade. Concrete steps to the porch. Former recessed entry at southeast corner has been enclosed. Windows are four vertical-over-one, and the front door is multi-light with sidelights. Lot drops to the rear. Edgar E. Lance probably built this house, since he was listed in city directories as living there in 1926. Mrs. Vista G. Lance, widow of Edgar Lance, lived there from 1941 to 1944. From 1945 to at least 1949, Norment J. Quarles, USMC, and wife Louise lived there. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)