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1401 Highland Avenue

1401 Highland Avenue

William T. Egerton House

Contributing, after 1923. 
Shingle Style two-story house with a steeply pitched cross gable roof. Notable stone front exterior chimney. Windows are six-over-one. House sits high on the hill above street with steps leading up to it. Notable stone retaining wall. Front door may be a modern replacement. William T. Egerton, a lawyer, and wife Annette lived here from 1941 to 1944. Virgil M. Kunkle, a salesman at Hendersonville Hardware Company, and wife Mildred lived here from 1945 to at least 1949. This house was built as part of the  Mount Royal subdivision, platted on July 15, 1923. It was originally Lot 38. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Historic District
Hyman Heights