Guy M. Thomason House
House. Contributing, by 1922.
Vernacular Bungalow style one and one-half story house with a front gable roof supported by knee braces and shed roof dormers on the sides. Rear addition made between 1922 to 1926. Bay window on southwest corner. Walls are aluminum siding. Front engaged porch has brick piers, tapered wood posts, and a solid brick balustrade. Windows are one-over-one and front door is a modern replacement. Central concrete steps. Guy M. Thomason, a lumber salesman, lived here from 1939 to 1940. Ora M. Thomason worked at the Carolina Dress Shop. The house was vacant for many years, and was listed as a "tourists" home (boarding house) from 1945 to 1946. Lee and Martha Powell, part-time residents of Miami, Florida, lived here from 1948 to 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Non-contributing, after 1954.
One-story front gable roof modern outbuilding.