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125 Ashwood Road

125 Ashwood Road

Ted J. Carter House


House. Contributing, by 1926.
One-story house with a clipped gable roof and aluminum siding on walls. Front porch has been added, with a shed roof and cast iron columns and balustrade. Originally, it appears there was a covered entry stoop only, with a projecting front gable roof. Windows are four-vertical-over-one and the front door is a modern replacement. House has been somewhat altered from its original appearance. Ted J. Carter and wife Elizabeth, a teacher, lived here from 1941 to 1942. From 1943 to 1944, Leon Y. Heilhecker, manager at A & P Food Stores, and wife Kathleen lived in the house. Warren L. Katzenmoyer and wife Marie lived here from 1945 to 1946. From 1948 to 1949 Marvin F. Sutherland, with Edward R. Sutherland Company, and wife Carol lived here. Fair condition. 

Garage. Contributing, by 1926.
One-story front gable building with German siding.

Historic District
Druid Hills