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121 Clairmont Drive

 121 Clairmont Drive

Crawford A. Smith House

Contributing, by 1926.
Unusual Spanish Eclectic style one-story plus basement house with a flat, parapet roof. Front "facade" wall of protruding brick, with two arched openings. Screened porch with a shed roof on the southeast corner appears added. An arched multi-light door framed by arched multi-light windows opens onto the patio inside the screened porch. Arched, double, three-vertical-over-one windows on the front facade wall. Rear of house is covered with a rough-textured stucco. Front door is multi-light over panel. Small wooded lot slopes away to the rear. Crawford A. Smith, a traveling salesman, and wife Mary lived here from 1941 to 1946. Beginning in 1948, Hugh Eady and wife Louisa lived here. Mrs. Eady was a nurse. Good condition. 
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Historic District
Druid Hills