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1208 Highland Avenue

1208 Highland Avenue

Ora Bellows House

Contributing, by 1926.
Four Square style two-story house with hip roof and wide overhanging eaves. Wraparound porch with hip roof. The southeastern portion of the porch has been enclosed since 1954. Other porch details include square posts. Walls are aluminum siding, including in soffits. Central brick chimney has been stuccoed. Windows are one-over-one. House sits at street level, lot drops away to rear, with a basement at the back. Retaining wall along drive. New picket fence. Ora Bellows, widow of Thomas, lived in this house from 1937 to 1944. From 1945 to 1946 Ralph F. Canavan, a salesman, lived here. Herman L. Pack, Superintendent at Home Security Life Insurance Company, and wife Grace lived here from 1948 to 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Historic District
Hyman Heights