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1203 Fifth Avenue West

O. B. Witt House

House. Contributing, ca. 1920.
One-story bungalow with a hip roof and front gable dormer. Weatherboard siding. Engaged front porch with single and paired posts, no balustrade. A second porch at the northeast corner has been enclosed. Brick exterior end chimney. One-over-one and bay windows; multi-light-over-panel front door. Small, level corner lot. O. B. Witt, a traveling salesman, and wife Nina lived here from 1938 to 1939. Miss Clara B. Muhle lived here from 1940 to 1945. Louis J. Lipp, a salesman, and wife Virginia lived here from 1948 to 1949. Randolph and Mary E. Hays lived here beginning in 1950.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Cottage. Contributing, ca. 1930.
One-story frame garage with cross gable roof, and carport addition to the east.

Carport. Non-contributing, 1970s.
Free-standing modern carport.

Historic District
West Side