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1106 Fifth Avenue West

Oates House

House. Contributing, 1922.
One-story-plus-basement Craftsman bungalow with a cross gable roof, knee braces, and exposed rafter ends. Brick veneer, with stucco in front gable end. Engaged porch with brick piers supporting a "bow tie" arch, stone balustrade and cheek walls, and a beaded board ceiling. Windows are nine-over-one and multi-light casement. Multi-light door with sidelights opens to west of porch. Large corner lot. The "A. T. Cole and E. L. White Subdivision" (1923) notes that this house was owned by the Oates family. Edward R. Sutherland, an agent with Prudential Insurance Company, lived in this house from 1937 to at least 1951. The house at one time also served as the manse for the minister of the First Presbyterian Church.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, owner, plats)

Garage. Non-contributing, ca. 1955.
One-story brick veneer garage with front gable roof. Replaces earlier garage in same location.

Historic District
West Side