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1046 Patton Street

1046 Patton Street

Leland R. Geiger House

House. Contributing, by 1922.
Bungalow style one-story plus basement house with a front gable roof and wings on the sides. Walls are German siding. Front porch is attached with front gable roof, stone piers and battered posts. Awning added. Solid stone balustrade. Windows are double-hung and casement. Front door is multi-light-over-panel. Leland R. Geiger, Vice President of the Laborers Bank & Loan Association, and wife Gertrude lived here from at least 1937 to 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)

Garage. Contributing, by 1926. 
One-story building with front gable roof and wood siding.

Historic District
Hyman Heights