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1024 Highland Avenue

1024 Highland Avenue


Contributing. ca. 1925.
This one-story, front-gable-roof Craftsman bungalow has a deck added at the northeast corner, German siding, projecting purlins and exposed rafter ends, an attached, hip-roof front porch with battered posts on capped brick piers and no balustrade, and two chimneys, one interior and one exterior end.  Both are stuccoed above the roofline, and the exterior end one is painted brick with a single shoulder below the roofline.  The foundation is brick, windows are vertical-four-over-one, and the front door is modern.  House sits on a small level lot. City directories note the occupants as Joseph E. Noffz, a warehouseman at Cantrell Produce Company, and wife Katherine (1937 - 1938); and Roy O. Bass, a bookkeeper with Houston Furniture Company, and wife Vera (1939 - at least the mid-1980s).  (Sanborn maps; city directories; owner information)

Historic District
Cold Spring Park