William C. Armstrong House
Contributing. ca. 1920.
This one-story-plus-basement, cross-gable-roof Craftsman bungalow has German siding, knee braces, and a front-gable-roof, enclosed front porch with T-111 siding below and historic six-light casement windows above. The porch details are still visible including knee braces, and battered posts on brick piers. There are three interior brick chimneys, windows are eight-over-one, front door is multi-light, and the foundation is brick. There is a low brick planter just below the porch. A shed-roof carport has been added on the south side. The lot drops in elevation from front to rear. William C. Armstrong, a clerk with Southern Railway, and wife Ettie, lived here from 1937 through at least the late 1950s. (Sanborn maps; city directories)
1020 Highland Avenue. Storage shed. Contributing. ca. 1920.
One-story, front-gable-roof storage building with German siding and a modern door.