A. Yates Arledge House
Contributing, ca. 1920.
One-story-plus-basement bungalow with a hip roof and original weatherboard siding. Engaged front porch with paired columns on solid balustrade. Central chimney. Six-over-six and six-over-one windows, and modern door. Stone pier foundation. Lot drops away to rear. The plat of the "A. E. Cole and E. L. White Subdivision" 0923) indicates this house was owned by the Arledge family. James S. and Clauriese Mann of Palm Beach, Florida, lived in this house as a summer home from 1937 to 1938. Forrest and Mary Gardner lived here from 1939 to at least 1951. Gardner was president-treasurer of Advance Thread Corporation.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, plats)
Historic District
West Side