Albert T. Dixon House
Non-contributing. ca. 1920.
This altered one-story, front-gable-roof Craftsman bungalow has aluminum siding (with the original German siding underneath where replacement siding has fallen off), an attached front-gable porch with a new board railing, posts covered with aluminum, and stuccoed piers, one-over-one replacement sash windows, and a few original six-light casement windows in the basement. Front door is three-light-over-panel. There is a two-story wing at the rear with a one automobile bay garage beneath, and a deck added at the southeast corner. House sits on a small lot which slopes to the rear, with a gravel drive which circles the house at the rear. Albert T. Dixon, a salesman with City Motor and Sales, and wife Hessie, lived here from 1937 - 1955. William J. Brown Jr., department manager with State Trust Company bank, and wife Charlotte, lived here from 1956 - 1957. (Sanborn maps; city directories; owner information)
1012 Highland Avenue. Duplex. Non-contributing. Modern.
This modern two-story duplex has a front-gable roof, aluminum siding, a projecting entry bay with wood stairs to the second level at the southwest corner, and wood decks at the rear. Windows and doors are modern.